Policy on IR Activities

Regarding our stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, our policy is to conduct correct, fair and timely information disclosure in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other relevant laws, and the rules for the timely disclosure of issuers of listed securities as defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereafter “timely disclosure rules”). Also, even if the information does not fall under these guidelines and rules, our policy is to proactively disclose such information as will be important in understanding the Company and its activities.

Methods of information disclosure

The disclosure of information for which the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange apply will be disclosed on the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) operated by the Exchange, and in principle will be posted promptly on our IR site. Other information which does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules but which is important will be actively disclosed through the IR site.

Quiet period

The company is dedicated to preventing the leakage of financial information. To secure the fairness of information disclosure, a quiet period of IR activity will be held during the period from the day after the closing date (quarterly closing) to the date of the announcement of financial results. During this period, we will refrain from answering or commenting on questions regarding our financial results or performance forecasts. However, even during the quiet period, if there are important facts which are judged to have an important influence on the investment decisions of investors, or if disclosure is required by laws, regulations or the Timely Disclosure Rules, we will disclose such information in a timely and appropriate manner.

Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders
The Company recognizes that for sustainable growth and the medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value it is important to actively conduct dialogues with investors, including shareholders, accurately grasp their expectations, concerns, requirements, and other feedback concerning the Company, and properly reflect the insights gained in management and business activities. Under the following policies, the Company is working to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders.

  1. For general dialogue with shareholders, the department in charge of IR, supervised by the officer who is Director, Executive Officer and CFO, engages in dialogue in principle, and the CEO or CFO also strives to engage in dialogue within reason.
  2. To achieve constructive dialogue, the Company has created a structure under which the department in charge of IR coordinates with the relevant departments for regular exchanges of opinion and gathering of information. Moreover, to ascertain the composition of its own shareholders, the Company undertakes an investigation to identify its beneficial shareholders based on the shareholder register at the end of May each year.
  3. The Company holds regular financial results briefings presented by the CEO and CFO for analysts and institutional investors, as well as briefings for individual investors. The Company also discloses this information on its website.
  4. The opinions and concerns of investors picked up through the dialogues are summarized by the department in charge of IR, which then reports these appropriately to the Board of Directors and discusses responses with the relevant departments.
  5. To properly manage insider information, the Company has established the Rules on Timely Disclosure and the Rules on Management of Insider Trading and manage insider information in accordance with the provisions of those rules.