Adjusted operating profit

Operating profit + share-based payment expenses + expenses arising from business combinations (amortization of goodwill and intangible assets).
We set adjusted operating profit as a key performance indicator, prioritizing it alongside net sales, to highlight the company's consistent earnings strength, after adjusting for stock price fluctuation effects and other factors.


Average Revenue Per User
We disclose the monthly recurring revenue per (paid) contract for our key services.

Annual report

A comprehensive report that integrates both financial and non-financial aspects, including our strategies, narratives, and business activities aimed at realizing our mission and vision.


Annual Recurring Revenue
MRR multiplied by 12. One of the critical indicators in subscription-based models like SaaS.



Business transactions between companies.


Business transactions between companies and individual consumers.



Digital transformation
Using digital technology to transform businesses and improve the lives of those concerned with the businesses. We offer solutions aimed at promoting DX in areas such as corporate sales, invoicing, and contract management.



FTSE International, Ltd.
A global company that offers calculation and management of stock market indices, as well as provision of related financial data. We were selected as a component of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, which measures the performance of Japanese companies with high ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) ratings.


Generative AI

A form of artificial intelligence that learns patterns and structures and generates content. We use generative AI in Contract One to summarize contract information.


Government Pension Investment Fund
Japan's public institution that diversifies and manages the nation's public pension reserve funds in domestic and international stocks and bonds. It aims to generate investment returns while also providing the source of funds for pension benefits. In 2023, GPIF selected our annual report as an "Excellent Integrated Report" and "Most-Improved Integrated Report."


Gross Transaction Value


Invoice network

The network established via Bill One, comprising paid subscription contracts, free subscription contracts, and companies that send invoices to both paid and free contract users.

Invoicing System

Japan's system for properly calculating the amount of consumption tax credited for purchases subject to such tax. In this system, to issue invoices, a company must be registered as a qualified invoicing business. Receiving companies are required to confirm that the received invoices meet the requirements of a qualified invoice.

Bill One’s invoice issuing and receiving functions are compliant with this system.


Last 12 months average monthly churn rate

Ratio of decreased monthly fees associated with contract cancellations to total monthly fees for existing contracts of each service.

We consider a level under 1% to be an appropriate benchmark.


Medium-term financial policy (FY2024–FY2026)

The financial policy set by the Group for FY2024 to FY2026. We expect net sales to grow at a three-year CAGR of 22% to 27%. On the profit side, we aim to achieve an 18% to 23% adjusted operating margin for FY2026.


Monthly Recurring Revenue
One of the critical indicators in subscription-based models like SaaS.


Morgan Stanley Capital International
A company that calculates stock market indices and analyzes ratings for listed companies.

In 2023, we achieved an "A" rating from this company for ESG.



Optical Character Recognition
The technology that recognizes text within image data, converts it into textual data, and outputs it.

Operations and technology for digitizing analog information

Our proprietary methods for digitizing analog information such as business cards, invoices, and contracts. We have continued to build this since the company was founded. It combines technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR) and artificial intelligence (AI) with manual human input to accurately digitize analog information.


Product remodel (Sansan)

In June 2022, we remodeled Sansan, shifting it from a business card and contact management service to a sales digital transformation (DX) solution. This update enabled users to access over one million items of corporate information and executive profiles on the Sansan platform, and to accumulate and visualize contact information related to customer interactions, such as email exchanges, seminars, and phone calls. The product remodel was designed under the concept of, "the database power your sales."


Revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act

The law regarding the storage of electronic records, which was amended in January 2022, mandates electronic storage when documents related to Japanese national taxes are received electronically. When these documents are received in paper form, they can be stored in either paper or electronic format.

Bill One's invoice receiving function is compliant with the Act.



Software as a Service
A service that allows users to access and utilize cloud-based software provided online by businesses.



Total Addressable Market
The total potential market size that can be acquired in a business. Both Sansan and Bill One are addressable to all companies, regardless of industry or business type.